NSPF CPO Qualified Pool Operatives
It gives us great pride to see so many individuals and companies, island-wide on Cyprus, proudly displaying the NSPF CPO logo on their vans, merchandise and clothing! Over 14 years ago, when we first moved to Cyprus, it became apparent that there was no pool water care regulation or standard in place. That wouldn’t have mattered much to us. Like many people, until we started renting out our home and helping friends rent theirs- and we began to research the liabilities which fell upon the owner of a property with a pool. It was scary stuff – especially when Cyprus joined the EU and signed up to its’ standards!
see more about the Law & Liability [click here]
So, with the mission of setting up a pool maintenance company, to work alongside our holiday rentals business, we trawled the internet to find out what standards of pool water care existed worldwide; which were recognized and respected across Europe and how to learn about them.
The result was that, early in 2004, we put our money where our mission was. We went to Colorado, taking our pools’ manager with us. And, trained to be NSPF CPO operators. Then, we brought the NSPF representatives here to Cyprus a few times over the following 3 year period. We were able to prove our credentials by taking the NSPF CPI instructors exam.
The NSPF, (National Swimming Pool Foundation), was set up in the early 60s. It works for what is now their mission statement: “Keeping Pools Safer; Keeping Pools Open”.
By the 1970s, one of the founding directors had evolved his own perfected, tested, aquatic training plan. This evolved into the CPO training course and qualification; The Certified Pool Operators qualification. Now recognized worldwide. The NSPF CPO ‘qualification’’ is taught by us throughout Europe. Giving swimmers the confidence to know the CPO cleaning their pool is trained to the highest of standards. And, is governed by a Code of Conduct and Practice to which they must perform. Or lose their qualification.
Lasting 5 years, and renewable with a refresher exam, the NSPF CPO course is 18-20 hours of training and exams, over a 2 day period. Trained by a qualified and licensed NSPF CPI (certified pool instructor ) – of which Tony Bell, Owner and Director of The Pool People, is the first one on the island. And the man who brought this huge step forward in pool care, to Cyprus. Since then, one of the original NSPF CPOs trained by Tony has also qualified to be a CPI. A testament to the strength of the course and the importance of the qualification. Remember, the EU Regulation, ESN15288-2, states that the owner of a facility/home with a pool, is entirely liable for the cleanliness of the water. And, for checking the qualifications of the person cleaning it.
It’s been an interesting and not uneventful almost 12 years. Generally raising awareness of pool care and the reasons it is so very important. But also overcoming the prejudices of the ‘’one-man band’’ of pool cleaners, who see cleaning pools as easy money with test kit in hand”’. The care of pool water and repercussions of not caring for pool water properly are many and costly: both in terms of lives of swimmers and costs of running pools over the long-term.
- A clean swimming pool, with any problem, diagnosed, explained and attended to quickly
- Minimum Twice weekly pool visits, 52 weeks per year
- Use of appropriate and quality pool chemicals
- Pool test results took every visit and available to you at any time
- Minimum 30 minutes on site per visit; most longer
- VAT invoices or monthly invoice if the NSPF CPO cleaner is under the VAT threshold, reflecting that your operator is in ‘business’’ (remember the invoice is your guarantee )
- The ability to see their insurance cover documents should you want to
- Advice to cope with eg heavier bather load or change in weather
- Professionalism, care and courtesy at all times
- The comfort of having a pool, ‘ready for inspection’’ and in keeping with any local regulations, at all times.
- To be able to see their NSPF CPO ID card when you ask for it
- If in doubt ask to see their VAT registration / TAX code or Public Liability insurance cover.
= and mainly, peace of mind for you and anyone swimming in your pool!
The feeling of pride referred to in the start of this editorial, is in seeing so how the people on Cyprus have welcomed the NSPF CPO QUALIFIED OPERATIVE course and how many have trained to ensure they are indeed, keeping up the standards.
It’s very satisfying to see recognition for years of hard work in NSPF CPO people travelling the island and cleaning pools.
Some people think we are crazy for pushing this course, feeling that the more people who are qualified, the more people work against us – but that’s where they’ve missed the point completely: The more qualified NSPF CPO operators there are working on this beautiful island, the cleaner and therefore safer, more swimming pools are – for our family as well as theirs/ yours!
So, if you are thinking of taking on a new pool cleaner, choose an NSPF CPO qualified one and know your pool will be cleaned as it should be, keeping your pool safer and open, for longer!
For details of the next NSPF CPO course or to get a quotation for us to clean your pool, email to tony@thepoolpeople.eu
* Ask for details of the next training course *
Tony Bell, NSPF Instructor
(National Swimming Pool Foundation )
For further information, please email tony@thepoolpeople.eu
Telephone : +357 26 623 342

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