Great news there are a host of renovations available to help you breathe new life into your pool.
Cheap pool products on the Internet that are less expensive than in a store? It often means sacrificing many of the key benefits of in-store purchasing.
I’m converted. I would recommend that everyone consider making the change!
Trained by a qualified and licensed NSPF CPI (certified pool instructor) – Tony Bell, Owner and Director of The Pool People
Law or Liability? Many people ask. Is it the law that you have to be trained to maintain a swimming pool?
With the recent news that Tri-chlor and Di-Chlor (the most common chlorine chemicals used in Cyprus) are about to increase in cost by up to 40% isn’t it time to look at an alternative?
We have taken several calls over the past 2 weeks regarding how to deal with the dust storm that has hit Cyprus.
What to do when you find poop in the pool – Faecal Incident Response – Recommendations for Pool Staff.
Over the coming weeks, we have a complete swimming pool rebuild. So watch this space and I will keep you updated. Good luck team.
Pool maintenance always includes the care of your swimming pool liner. Avoid making mistakes. Maintain the Aesthetics with our Pool Liner Maintenance Instructions from The Pool People, Cyprus.