Where safety, compliance, and technical precision define success, Certified Pool & Spa Operator™ (CPO certified) is no longer optional
Tony Bell from Pool People Ltd Cyprus has been appointed Vice Chair of the CPO Council of Advisors to the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA).
Tony Bell from The Pool People Ltd (Cyprus) was presented with the PHTA International Instructor of the Year Award.
The biggest mistakes swimming pool owners and operators make when getting ready for the swimming season is leaving everything last minute.
Let’s take a look at the differences between a saltwater pool and a pool treated by a traditional chlorine method.
Drowning is a leading cause of death in children. Certified Pool and Spa Operator (CPO) training course can help to prevent drowning.
We call this “Drop & top”. Drop the water one foot per month in January, February & March – and even in April and top up with fresh water.
The issue of broken glass in a swimming pool is every commercial pool operator’s nightmare.
A New Pool Liner and design your own private sanctuary!
Important information about the Corona Virus (Covid-19) and Aquatic Facilities. Including your own swimming pool here in Cyprus